JUNE 25, 2010

Today, the're so many things happened. Every moment in our life, we learned something. I've done many things today! But even if I'm tired I'm happy. :] I attended lately in YSTOP. I have some fun attending there!'cause I learned a lot about God. We played ice braker. We played paper-scissor-rock. Andrea Lorraine Flores of 4th year highschool and I were the remaining players, then we played Hep-hep-hurray! I'm so shy but it's alright 'cause I think I gave some fun to them. We have lot of quizzes today! And I passed all the subjects! I think this is my lucky day! :] Laterly, we've watched a video. It's about our Lord Jesus Christ! And I cried after I watched it! :[

This video is about the love of Christ
His sacrifice, His sufferings, His blood, His wounds...
All done for You at the cross of calvary

LOVE iT ! ♥

JUNE 24, 2010

This day is so special with me and to my special someone . He gave me a teddy bear! :] it's so cute ! And this day is so memorable !

PBS always making me happy . :] ofcourse my special someone too . ♥ I thank God that He gave me a chance to meet them and to live in this wonderful world!


JUNE 23, 2010

I'm so glad that I have bestfriends like them! 'cause they always making me happy, they comfort me when I am sad and have problems. They're always beside me! Today, we're are so happy! There are some rules like: you should pay 1peso when you say the real name of your friends! :]] We have some codenames!

Me ~ Hersheys
Micah Lyne ~ Kit-kat
Lhuzelle ~ Chocola
Abegail ~ Toblerone
Micah ~ Cadbury
Athena ~ Tofiluk
Miggy ~
Leze Mae ~ Mars

I love them so much ! I treated them like my own sisters! ♥